Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Great Minds Think Alike

The Motley Crew
For my second trip to Rossland, a strictly invite only trip, I had the amazing opportunity to work with some great local, and international talent. While my first trip consisted of a learning workshop put on by VPW, this was more of a photo safari, meets week long, get-together. The models consisted of Stephanie, Kira (aka Floofie), Helen (aka Rhus) and lastly, me. Our host, Michael Cordiez was one of the selected few photogs that was here. Marc Koegel from VPW was here, along with Dave Aharonian, Ron Skei, Scott Nichol, and Doug Doyle; all of which I am very pleased to have spent some time shooting, and goofing around with.

         Although it wasn't all work, with no play there was some strenuous, and long days. Waking up at 5am, only to be followed by a not-so-quick dip in the lake at dawn break, isn't really part of my normal routine. Hardy breakfasts always followed. As the sun rose high in the sky, with no cloud cover, we were forced to hang inside, or find whatever little shade we could. Harsh sun light is a no go for portraiture, and soft nudes.

The last few days of summer were soaked up on the sun drenched patio. The nights consisted of tasteless jokes, photo reviewing, and a couple beers. Homemade meals really were the icing on the cake. Although the crowd often changes, Mike and his wife Row know how to make a photo family come together. Good company, great talent, and hopefully, some really amazing photos.

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